Wednesday, August 8, 2012

5 Days of Summer

Recently I indulged in my guilty pleasure- the film 500 Days of Summer, starring Joseph Gordon Levitt and the queen of quirk, Zooey Deschanel. I felt so inspired by the film as to make a list of seasonal activities entitled "5 Days of Summer." Here is my 5 day plan of summer activities I recommend doing before fall is in the air! 
1.) Read a romance novel on a boat. If you aren't blessed with a pair of sails of your own, take a leisurely stroll by a marina and hop on a yacht that you fancy!
2.) Make some jam and jar it. I recommend using yummy fruits like cherries or raspberries. The color alone is irresistible!
3.) Drink Italian soda along the seaside...preferably with an Italian.
4.) Climb a tree in capris. If you feel a little too self-conscious in climbing an oversized stick, talk a nearby child into climbing the tree with you.
5.) Put on an artist cap and sit under an umbrella outside a café. Sketch the most intriguing people you see.

By Curly Cue 8/8/12

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